‘’Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.’’
Victor Frankl
Without a purpose, or without a why, there is no meaning in life, and a life without meaning is indeed …’death’.
Should one not have found their own meaning in life – there will be no will or desire to live… life will have no meaning, so to speak, for those, that have no ‘meaning’ in their life.
They will feel that life is dry , life is boring, life is worthless , life is without joy , life is without abundance, without clarity, without sustenance …without purpose… and nothing will ever make us happy … till we find our ‘why’.
For so long as I can remember I had no meaning in my life. I went about complaining about everything life had ‘done’ to me. I felt entitled, I felt that life was a series of unfortunate events happening to me rather than me taking control of my life. I was in my own ‘prison’.
A prison of self-created shackles of self-loathing, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-created anger, stress , anxiety, and in constant ‘irritability’ with my unhappiness of being unhappy in my life.
This was me a year ago , I was a totally different and unhappy person ; and I decided to change… to change myself and who I was. To find purpose, to live the life I truly wanted for myself, I went on a path of healing, letting go of my Ego, and learned to love myself and embraced ‘what is’ in life.
On a path of self-discovery, I meditated, I cried, I journaled , I prayed, and I started to heal… and today I still continue to heal…
I decided what I wanted from my life and what I wanted to achieve… and thought very carefully about my ‘why’.
I knew, I wanted to make impact on others, to help others on their journey , I didn’t know ‘how’, or ‘where’ to start. As part of my conditioned past , I was reliant on others to help me to do that and was seeking guidance , reassurance … a plan on ‘how’…
And then … One day I woke up, I decided I was ready and I knew I had what it takes, I didn’t want to wait anymore, I had found my meaning my WHY and the HOW would unfold on its own– my meaning was to help others that were suffering just as I had suffered, and to merely begin one person and a time!
I did not to wait any longer, till ‘this ‘, or ‘that’ ‘happens’… there were so many others , whom just like me , had allowed life to ‘happen’ or ‘not to happen’ to them – and allowed themselves to become a victims of their own misery and circumstances, and due to that were not truly living!
I was ready to go on my EverJOURNEY.
So my message to you is take action !
Just start!
We all have something of value!
A dream that we want to achieve !
A purpose that we are destined to fulfil!
Why wait , what excuses are you giving yourself? Who are you blaming for your life and for your unhappiness – why are you not happy?…
You can start living the life yiu truly want, a meaningful and purpose life is waiting to be created and lived by you.
You are not ORDINARY, you are NOT A NOBODY, you have a purpose, you matter, you are important and you can take control of your life , it does not matter what your past did to you, what your family did to you , what your boss did to you, what your friends did to you .
What matters is what you do from now on, the moment that you decide to change and start living for you ; the moment you find your why- to live with meaning and purposeful life – and to live it for you.
When one lives for something of value to them … whatever that purpose is for them…whatever that meaning is for them then you have won!
When you find that purpose- then your life begins…
Each one of us will have a different purpose, a different meaning ; for different stages of our lives; and as a guide I merely help others identify what their personal why is and to aid them to fully live out their true purpose in life…
Give your life to something meaningful .
Live your life for someone meaningful.
Live out your life the way it matters to you , and that meaning is your own to make , chose and decide.
When your life has meaning and purpose you live it fully and you will bear ‘any how’; as you have a reason for being here!
When you are ready let me know!
Your time is now, your journey starts here, your meaning is waiting for you.
With all my love