Ever Journey

Be-Happy New Year!

Be Happy New Year

Rather than saying Happy New year, I am opting to wish my family and friends To-Be Happy New Year on New Year’s Eve of 31st Dec 2020.

There is a lot going on in the world and in our external environments that causing us to feel stressed, disturbed, upset, anxious and even depressed right now.

We have been through a very turbulent year… I do not think I need to elaborate at all.

To be honest, I have been thinking a lot lately reflecting on 2020, and I would lie to you if I had told you that I was looking forward to 2021, as it already looks the same as 2020.

How can I say that you might think? Why are you so negative? Are you not a life coach?

Yes, I am sounding negative, and yes, I am a life coach, and also, I am human, just like everyone else, I have emotions, I have ups and downs and I chose to be an authentic life coach and to really be ‘Who I am’ and I just like the rest of you; I am experiencing the same negative emotions having a difficult time adjusting to this new normal.

So here you have it … I have been struggling!

I am been very down and depressed lately.

I have been trying to reflect on 2020 and working on my plans & goals for 2021.

I might have accomplished a lot, but I feel like I didn’t.

I feel like this year was a hard dreaded year that I want to forget, and I was looking forward to the new year, and in a way, I am not… especially when it seems that we are headed into the same, if not even tougher, circumstances, in the form of harder lock downs, more economic hardships, unable to freely travel or do anything as before… and not being able to see friends, loved ones and our families.

This pandemic has really changed our lives, many have lost their loved ones because of this virus. Many have lost their incomes and their lively hoods because of this virus.

Many are struggling, with depression having to be alone at home for months.

How many lives have been turned upside down?

How many individuals have been questioning their lives?

How many have lost their jobs, have been living hand to mouth?

How many have suffered anxiety, trauma or abuse by these hard circumstances – by being stuck at home with perhaps people that abuses them on a physical, emotional and mental level?

How many have left their spouses or their partners because they couldn’t deal with the (other) person in the home because they had their own demons and troubles to deal with during this difficult time?

I am very unhappy at the state of the world right now, the state of our country, the state of our minds & the states our hearts…

But I am hopeful and faithful that in your heart, like mine , there is a tiny glimmer of light.

I am hopeful for a year where you can achieve & focus on what will make you happy and you a sense of serenity.

So here on the eve of 2020, in the midst of all this chaos in a (level 3) hard lock down in South Africa trapped on our homes, I want to wish you peace, happiness and that you may have some faith & see a glimmer of hope for 2021 for yourself, for humanity and for the world…

So, my message to you is just ; may you Be Happy in the new year

Do more of what make you happy.

Make an effort to do the things that bring you joy.

Go after your dreams and find the things bring you into a state of being calm & tranquil – to live more in serenity.

I have compiled some simple things you can try from next year (tomorrow) to add more happiness & serenity in your life.  These are adapted and taken from on one of my favorite ‘small’ books (True Serenity- Finding Peace in A Hectic World by Alastair Williams):

  1. Run a warm scented bath, have some classical music playing softly in the background, light some aromatherapy candles, pour yourself a glass of wine, or freshly squeezed juice slide into the water & relax.
  2. Place freshly laundered & ironed sheets on your bed and sink into a blissful cocoon of restfulness.
  3. Steal a moment of silence in your day. Go somewhere you can be alone and block out noises with earplugs. When silent listen to your heart beating, the sound of your own breathing and focus on just existing.
  4. If you live by the sea go there, when there are no crowds, and just listen to the sounds & the rhythms of the sea & breathe the salty air (lock down restrictions permitting)
  5. Sit in-front of a real fire with the lights off & listen to the crackling of wood burning.
  6. When its pouring with rain, find a quiet spot & sit in your car. Listen to the sound of the raindrops pattering against the roof & windows.
  7. Take a morning walk barefoot across the lawn & feel the dew on the grass beneath your feet.
  8. Fill your room with the subtle scent of herbs and spices to sooth your senses, using an oil burner, such as fresh lavender.
  9. Bake some bread. Channel any tension into kneading and pummeling the dough, then sat back and inhale as the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread fills the room.
  10. Go cloud watching.
  11. De clutter your life; chuck out all that useless junk and set aside things you don’t really use to give away to someone else who might. It will make you consider more important things in life.
  12. Write a list of all the positive things in your life and put it in the fridge. Whenever you are feeling down, take the time to read, enjoy and draw from the positive things on the list. And add to it whenever you can.
  13. Have a reassuring cuddle with someone you are close to (in the same household)
  14. Take a step back into your youth; watch your favorite childhood movies or go somewhere that brings back memories.
  15. Lastly, do more of what make you happy! (Tamara AL-Halaseh)

May you Be happy in 2021

All my love Tam

EverJOURNEY services to aid you on your journey to find your happiness

EverJOURNEY services: 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Personal Life Coaching

Executive & Leadership Coaching


Wellness Coaching – Yoga